Tuesday, March 9, 2010

D-27 CoE

I went to work as usual.

I had to go to uni during my lunch break to pick up my letters and Certificate of Eligibility form from YNU! Atleast one thing's confirmed, that is, I didn't get the JASSO scholarship (booooo) and that I'll be living in Gumyoji which is supposedly 40 mins away from uni and a 3 min walk from Gumyoji station. But I prefer Gumyoji over the other one because it has better facilities, it's cleaner and closer to Yokohama station and other shopping districts.
My next visit is to the Consulate-General of Japan at Martin Place to apply for my visa. Excitement!


Danny said...


happylamb said...

wooo hanna cho! :D
you gotta go and get an application form there, and to apply you need to bring your passport as well. Also, you need to have a passport sized photo for the application. The form says you need a photo approx. 45mm x 45mm but it doesnt matter so much. If you've got something smaller it should be fine :) mine is like 30mm by 45mm and they said it's fine!
btw you gotta go before 4pm!

Hanna said...


Yep yep, thanks Happy lamb. I remember it was near channel 7 when I went to get my visa for Niigata last year. I took a new passport photo though. 3 and a half weeks left >.<